Services and projects

Citizen activity centre Kansalaistoiminnankeskus

Citizen activity centre Kansalaistoiminnankeskus is an open meeting point as well as NGOs’ training, small-scale conference and information hub in Tapiola, Espoo.

Citizen activity centre is used by residents, NGOs, public authorities and small companies. The centre gathers NGO activists under the same roof. Citizens have the opportunity to arrange their own events in the centre, such as family celebrations.  

Office rooms and activity space for NGOs at reasonable cost 

Looking for an office room? Or a shared one, with the rent split between you and another association? In addition to HyTe, many other health and wellbeing oriented third sector players are based in the centre, carrying out a wide array of activities for the benefit of ordinary citizens. Some of these NGOs also offer volunteer opportunities in which you are warmly welcome to participate.  

News and articles