About us

HyTe’s premises

HyTe ry, citizen activity centre Kansalaistoiminnankeskus and Art Gallery Unelma 

Postal and visiting address: Kauppamiehentie 6, 2nd floor, Tapiola, FI-02100 Espoo, Finland 

The entrance to citizen activity centre Kansalaistoiminnankeskus (HyTe’s premises) is on the Kauppamiehentie side. The lobby service point is located on the second floor. Behind the building there is a parking area (pay parking). 

You can reach Tapiola conveniently by metro. Step off at the Tapiola metro station which is about 400 metres away. The nearest bus stop is about 300 metres away.   

Kansalaistoiminnankeskus, Tapiola, kartta


Postal and visiting address: Meilahti Triangle Hospital, P.O. Box 340, FI-00029 HUS 

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